Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

from a circus yesterday. clown behind the big top. i can't imagine doing this nine months out of the year. seeing what little i saw behind the scenes makes me feel even more for these people on the road for so long. it could be a dream to be on assignment with the circus for a year. make one hell of a book.
it begins

so i'm back now. it's been way too long that i've been absent from the photojournalism scene. in 2005 i walked the undesireable path of unemployment. it was by all means the most difficult period of my life, one in which i felt myself slipping far away from everything i've worked so hard for over these years. but now i'm back and shooting again. it's time to right the ship that has sailed off course. this pic was the first one i've made this year that i like. alicia resting with her dog after a difficult day at work.