Thursday, September 27, 2007


here's a fourth - there's about 10 in the series, i'll try to put the series on my website in time. all except the baby contest foto (taken with holga) was taken with hasselblad and for the most part all slide film except one or two. next project i want to do hasselblad with slide and flash, we'll see how it goes. oh and this picture is from a horse riding competition in which you also dress up in an old west attire


here's a third one from the fair project - two sisters who won stuffed animals at the guilford fair.

another one

here's another one - this kid won first place in the heaviest frog contest in the four town fair in somers, ct.

pride of the fair

finally finished my portrait series from fairs - here's one from the baby contest in haddam neck - the baby didn't place in the contest but i still thought it was very cute. shot with a holga and slide film - fun fun.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

tomato sauce class

i have the same apron that girl is wearing at home. what are the chances of that.

Monday, September 24, 2007

don't ride upside down

and look through the lens or you'll get sick. i found out the hard way.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

adaptive day at the range

a local rehab hospital held a adaptive shooting event - here one lines up a shot while another participant keeps cool as temps rose into the 80s (hey, it's connecticut - 80s are like 100 most places)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


kids warming up before the parade

everybody loves a parade

kid sleeping before the ct parade starts at a regional fair.

Monday, September 17, 2007

end of summer

feature hunting as the summer winds down here in new england. it's almost over and the nights are already getting cooler.

here a few kids play catch on park bleachers as the sun sets while they kill time waiting for their parents.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


this girl was snoozing while waiting for her competition.

"the cows were noisy all night" she said. i didn't realize but she and others at this fair slept with their animals in the barn overnight.

i have terrible insomnia and the concept of sleeping in a barn with cows mooing all night, well, lets just not go there. plus, the smell?


this is how i feel after 15 fairs

so i'm still working on the portrait series at ct fairs (one more weekend to go) and while i was out today i had to get a feature for tomorrow's paper. i thought it funny that this guy's son was completely calm but the dad was freaking out. i would probably be like that daily if i had a child. i had a plant once and it made me nervous enough.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


this guy is a newspaper/print consultant for the russian media. here's a portrait of him for a business story.

training wheels

i remember my dad behind me when i first rode a bike - it was cool.

i thought riding bikes were so fun - then i got a mongoose bike in high school and i was cool. then i started training for these new things called "triathalons" to impress lori yerkes, my high school crush (she wasn't impressed, but that's a WHOLE other story).

but what was really bad was the time that i smashed into a police car while training and went up onto the hood (braces and all) and scraped the hood of the car with my face. now THAT, was an interesting story to tell your parents.

maybe i shouldn't have taken off those training wheels.

Monday, September 10, 2007

the war

ken burns is releasing a new documentary on world war II - here he talks with a woman who lost her husband in the war. she was thanking him for the work he did in remembering their stories.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


still working on a portrait series at the fair - while i was there for that, i had to also shoot for the next day's paper. here's a clip from a belly flop contest. not quite the mud flair of the redneck games, but hey, it's connecticut.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


from a kayak class today - the instructor is putting back the boats.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

fair part 3

as the sun winds down at the end of the haddam neck fair on sunday, this girl tends to the horses before taking them back to the stables. i love that name - haddam neck.

fair part 2

and here's another fair shot - a girl stands under the shade of a tree with her sheep that won best in show of the ewe division.

this sheep was cool, i think i should get one as a pet. wait, is sheep singular the same as sheep plural? why isn't sheep singular and sheeps for plural? huh, makes you think.

more fair

i'm working on a portrait series at connecticut fairs (which i alluded to in the last post) - should be done in october -

for now i'm hanging out a lot at fairs, eating lots of fried dough, yummy bratwursts and fresh lemonade. in between eating and doing the portraits i shot these.

this one is of the drum and fife corp while a woman flips in the background on a bouncy thingy.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

man with cow

i'm doing a project related to town fairs in connecticut (unrelated to this image) but still took this just because i thought it was a weird picture - he woke up to find me standing beside him, looked up and the first thing he said was - "it's not my cow"

i can't tell you how many times i've heard that before.