Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008

yes, every blue moon i shoot sports.
i shot one football game last year and this year i got to shot one too - here's a shot of the head coach giving a chest bump after a score.
thanks to carrie niland for her assisting and coaching me where to sit (i really don't know what i'm doing with sports). due to her help, i was actually able to shoot halfway decently. got to partake in some dinosaur bbq grub as well - mmm, dinosaur.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
me myself and photoshop

so i've been really wondering how some of the photographers out there are mining images and get richer detail out of images etc. it's a great illustrative tool and an key inspiration behind this is:
this kid is amazing and his work has been a real inspiration to me. i think he's only 18 years old - makes me even more impressed by him as i learn more.
some friends from work and i have been trying to understand these techniques, and finally it's making sense. so what better monkey to practice on than myself.
you can dress up a monkey, but it's still a monkey.
and on a side note, i'm not arguing the ethics of this one way or another, nor am i doing this on daily work for the paper - i think it's just great to have another tool in the pocket for illustrative purposes/freelance commericial work. it'll be interesting as this becomes more common what the general thought of it is as far as it applies to photojournalism.