Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
prayers and processions - hammerin' hebrews

another from the prayer's and processions series i'm working on
I'm glad I'm not with the Yankees” jokes Jo Rosenblum.
Rosenblum, 61, isn't Alex Rodriguez, but she isn't pretending to be either. All she wants is to learn to throw a little better, and Richard Yanku is helping.
A clank of an aluminum bat punctuates the air. It's opening day for the Jewish Community Center Softball League in Virginia Beach. Yanku, the pitcher for the Hammerin' Hebrews, encourages her as she takes another toss. “It's like driving,” says Yanku. “When you first learn how to drive it's not that easy, but with practice you get better.” Both attend Temple Israel in Norfolk.
“I'm not coordinated at all,” adds Rosenblum, “But I'm trying.” The Virginia Beach resident hasn't played softball in 45 years. Yanku, on the other hand, began playing in 1973.
“I wanted her to feel she could get on the field and participate,” says Yanku. “You ask yourself, what are the little good things you can you do? It's my way of leaving a legacy behind as a Jew – it's just the little things that you do.”
Rosenblum adds: “Being around other Jewish people, it makes me feel good. I feel like I can be more free. I don't feel intimidated out here.”
Sunday, April 25, 2010

i was covering an event called taste of india for my faith series and came across this - two indian children dressed as a cowboy and a french woman. it has nothing to do with the series, but i loved the light anyway. so here's an outtake. i'll post the shot for the series later after it's published.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
a daily puja

another from the prayers and processions series:
Malini Srirama, and her daughter, Madhu, stand still and reverently gaze into her kitchen pantry.
Not at food, but at their shrine.
The rustle of Malini's sari breaks the silence, and she gently places petals of a camellia flower around a statue.
“It makes me feel happy,” said Malini, of the Hindu tradition of puja, or worship. “It makes me feel calm.” Malini, a Hindu, is originally from Bangalore, India. She now lives in Norfolk.
According to Malini, many Hindu households have a main deity that they worship. Theirs is Vishnu – known as preserver of the universe – a principal god in Hinduism. “It's an image for you to hold in your mind when you pray,” says Malini of shrine.
The puja is something Malini has passed onto her children. “I want my children to pray everyday. I want them to be spiritual to understand that there's something more powerful out there.”
Madhu, who was born in America, is happy to honor her mother and the tradition of the puja.
“I've been doing it since I can remember,” says the daughter. “It just feels comfortable. I enjoy doing it with her.”
Monday, April 12, 2010
prayers and processions - a night's respite

another from the weekly series on faith and it's expression in our community.
Julie Burks slips off her shoes and exhales softly.
She pulls her coat over her purse – her pillow for the night - then lays down and stares into the distance.
“It feels good that I'm not out in the cold,” says Burks, who is homeless. “When I was out there, the first thing I would do is drink. I would shiver all night - I didn't sleep. At least drinking keeps me warm.”
Burks is trying to kick the habit and has been clean for the past few days.
On this night, she and other homeless people are sleeping at Lynnhaven United Methodist Church in Virginia Beach. Burks is one of dozens assisted by Volunteers of America, which works in partnership with area faith communities to provide shelter throughout the winter.
It's a respite from the cold nights.
“I can handle it out there, but it's very difficult, especially when you're trying to stay sober and get your life back in order,” Burks says. “When I'm out on the street, you have to watch your back. You don't know what's out there.
"Here I don't have to worry about any of that.”
Monday, April 05, 2010
prayers and processions - passion 2010 "our redeemer lives!"

from another installment of the prayers and processions series - this one from a local performance that features the life and times of jesus christ. the backstage shot is one of my favorite from the series so far, he's playing the part of jesus and has just a few minutes to shower and come back on stage after his crucifixion as the risen christ. it was impressive all that went into this volunteer-only performance.
for more pictures from it go to the pilot's website at: