prayers and processions - the last one

here's the last picture from my series for the paper.
His heaven is almost done, but his hell is up next.
Leo Alvarado has more than 10 tattoos, but his most meaningful is in the works. “Right now I'm working on getting a big piece done called “heaven vs. hell,” said Alvarado. “It's going to go from my chest all the way to my mid-arm.”
So far the Norfolk resident just has parts of the heaven done, but he hopes to have the complete piece, including the images of hell, done by the end of the summer.
The Norfolk resident says the tattoo would be a source of encouragement. “If I've had a bad week, I could see the good side of the tattoo and realize that there's light at the end of the tunnel - that there's always a good that comes with the bad.”
Alvarado says he hopes the tattoo will be a good reminder of how to lead a moral life.
“The tattoo plays a big role in my faith,” said the 24-year-old. “When I look in the mirror I can always ask myself, 'Am I drifting towards the good side, or am I drifting towards the bad side?'”
It's a good reminder of where I'm at in life and where I want to go.”
i'll continue the series on the side adding to it over time with images that resonate on this theme. if anyone wants to see the broader work you can go to my website and look under the new section