Thursday, March 27, 2008

lonely lunch

saw this woman beside me at lunch today - it's no bojangles, but it was still good.


headed to nc for the southern short course this weekend - and here's a shot while waiting for my little air bus to arrive in cleveland. i used to love flying, the joy of travel and moving around the country. now, well, not so much.

will post more from this weekend once the conference gets going!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

cape cod

had an assignment at cape cod this week - here a fisherman works on his boat which recently sank. MAN those guys work hard.
fun place to visit, that cape cod. good seafood, i recommend it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

more racin babies

another outtake from the event

st patty

outtake from a racin baby assignment - don't ask.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

tax credit

story on earned income tax credit - the lead is on a woman who is getting money back from the credit - she's using it to help take care of her son.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

back home

so after a very unpleasant flying experience on monday i fly home and went straight to work, exhausted and even, yes, a little grumpy. went to shoot a high school dress rehearsal for an upcoming show - thought it would be like any other dress rehearsal of bad music but well-meaning high school students.

i was wrong.

as soon as this band started up, i was amazed. little did i realize just how good they were and how much they were known for their music. i was so impressed by them and found it the gem of the day getting to watch these high school kids jam it out. it brought a lot of joy to that day and i was very happy to get to witness this.

there was also a kid from their high school taking pictures - we got to talking and he leaned over to me and whispered confidently, if none of your pictures come out you can use some of mine. i thought that was awesome.

props to hall high school of west hartford.

Monday, March 10, 2008

wendy's wedding

my long-time friend wendy got married over the weekend and i was the guy with the camera for the event.

here's a shot as she walked down the stairs to get hitched to, who i have to say, a cool cat who was a great match for her.

Friday, March 07, 2008


hung out with a good friend of mine and her babies - here's one of the them all cozy and comfy.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

go team

sometimes i feel the world is crashing down around with the daily barrage of bad news in the newspaper world.

but atleast while we're in this, i feel very lucky to work with the photo editors that i do, and i want to give them props. they do an amazing job of enabling us and helping us as a staff improve and grow, and they're not afraid to run pictures like they should run.

and while we're on the subject

preston and the dan habib go out in style at the concord monitor.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

it's grand central TERMINAL

not station, as i found out last week when we went on a tour and saw the basement, that's right, the basement of the terminal. so fun to get a rare tour of the innards of the terminal and a little eerie to see the basement - ten stories below the terminal.

if you ever go to the terminal, there's an alcove off to the side when walking down the ramp to the food station below where you can face into the corner of the alcove and whisper to a friend facing the other side and you can hear each other over all the noise. i'm easily impressed, i admit, but THAT was the highlight of the trip.

here's two pics - on top and below the terminal.

Monday, March 03, 2008


this guy at right was giving congrats to his nephew who just took gold after his race in the connecticut winter special olympics - so fun to shoot this event. great to be around such positive energy.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

welcome to america

this family is from iraq and fled the war, here they check out the new house with a member of a family who helped bring them here (at left) she was asking the little kid what he thought.

afterwards they all piled in and headed for mcdonald's and everyone got double cheeseburgers. sometimes i'm just amazed at life and the power of the daily experience. so here's a shot from a very wonderful friday afternoon.

i wanted to play neil diamond's we're coming to america but then i thought it might scare them off, i thought maybe it's better to give them some time - it took me a little while to like him, and yes, i admit, dammit, i like neil diamond.

i mean, "Cracklin' Rosie"? it doesn't GET any better than that.